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CraniosacralBasel (Basel)

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About Us

Before I studied anatomy, physiology, pathology, the various forms of therapy and health, I worked in the administrative department of the University Women's Hospital in Basel.

This was followed by training courses leading to the degree of:

Med. Masseur FA SRK and Lymphatic Drainage and Edema Therapist.

Certified physiotherapist with further training in

  • Reflective breathing therapy
  • Pelvic floor rehabilitation for women
  • BodyBalance Pilates Instructor
  • Medical Taping Concept, Cupping, Dry Needling

Craniosacral therapist with various advanced trainings, e.g.

  • Craniosacral therapy during pregnancy and birth
  • Craniosacral therapy for infants and toddlers

SE-Practitioner, trauma healing according to Dr. Peter Levine with various advanced trainings, among others with Sônja Gomes, Dr. Raja Selvam and with Dr. Peter Levine personally

Complementary therapist with federal diploma Method Craniosacral Therapy

further education

  • EFT and EmoTrance with Dr. Reto Wyss and Horst Benesch
  • Prenatal and birth trauma with Karlton Terry
  • Sensitivity and mediumship with Bill Coller, Richard Schoeller
  • Nonviolent communication according to Marshall Rosenberg
  • Retreats of several days (Vipassana, Zen and Contemplation)

Since 2006 self-employed in my own practice as a craniosacral- therapist and SE-Practitioner. Recognized supervisor of Cranio Suisse and the OdA KT. Former examiner for the HFP KT. Assistant and mentor for craniosacral therapy and advanced training teacher for complementary therapy at the Da-Sein Institute in Winterthur. Assistant for Somatic Experiencing in Spain. Adult educator.

This text has been machine translated.


Craniosacral therapy


Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance
Train/Bus sta­tion near­by


Price per hour from CHF 132.-

Location and contact

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  • office address office address

    Malzgasse 25 4052 Basel

  • Andrea Häberlin

  • Phone Phone
    0612... Show number 061 271 85 35
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
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* These texts have been automatically translated.

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