Medical osteopathy is a holistic treatment of the body with the hands to promote the body's own functions and healing possibilities. It is completely based on the knowledge of anatomy and physiology and is thus firmly integrated into the curriculum of medical studies in the USA, for example. With the hands I can not only positively influence the musculoskeletal system and the spine, but also support organ functions and thus often reduce the use of medication. Also, medical osteopathy often offers an alternative to possible surgery.
As a doctor, it is my responsibility to decide together with you when the use of medication or surgery is really necessary and when we can use sensible alternatives.
The most common treatment methods of medical osteopathy include the parietal system (the entire musculoskeletal system), the visceral system (organs, connective tissue, vessels and nerves) and the craniosacral system (rhythms of the organism, in particular the interaction of the various cranial bones, the spine to the sacrum / coccyx).
The type of treatment can range from very gentle (e.g. craniosacral therapy, lymphatic therapy) to slightly less gentle methods such as muscle/nerve stretching techniques to slightly "rougher" methods such as chiropractic. The type of treatment is adapted to the needs of the body.