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FOKUSergotherapie GmbH (Beringen)

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About Us

We are an occupational therapy practice with a lot of heart and soul. We accompany you on the way to more independence, mobility and health. Our focus is on therapy of the hand, neurology and pediatrics.
We offer treatments in our ground floor practice, or at your home in familiar surroundings.

Our therapy services:

Hand therapy

Hand therapy, splint construction (after accident, illness or preventive)

Grasping, holding, writing, moving, manipulating objects or letting go of them with the hand - if one of these functions is limited, for example due to illness (arthrosis/rhizarthrosis), accident or overstrain, therapy to regain the abilities is useful.

In my occupational therapy, we offer you the opportunity to specifically train the affected functions and movements of the hand. Thus, step by step, you will gain more independence and mobility in your everyday life.


Neurology (domiciliary treatment at your home)

With a neurology therapy I try to give you the support you need to cope with your everyday life. The aim is not to do all the work for you or to patronize you, but to give you back your independence as a patient with specific exercises.

Cognitive training

With the help of questions and content from everyday life, different areas of the brain are activated during thinking and thus sustainably trained. Cognitive training is used for both adults and children. After an accident or a brain disease, brain and language functions are improved or preserved.

  • Memory and recall
  • action planning
  • structuring
  • concentration
  • Language difficulties (in reproduction, formulation of words)
  • Learning difficulties (e.g. learning therapies)


Everyday life is reality and full of problems. I as a child, poke them and try to solve them.
Grasping something fine and handling it. Using the pen as a tool. Paying full attention to my work. Integrating myself in the group. Coordinating my body in gymnastics.
So many different things I have to manage as a child.

This text has been machine translated.


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FOKUSergotherapie GmbH

  • office address office address

    Schaffhauserstrasse 58 8222 Beringen

  • Corinne Heer

  • Phone Phone
    0764... Show mobile number 076 423 82 22
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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FOKUSergotherapie GmbH

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