My Philos gives answers and solutions to your health questions and offers its complementary therapies with other ongoing treatments or physiotherapies.
Daniela Loosli, a Federal Diploma in Complementary Therapies and Nursing, welcomes you with a professional approach at the Fisioboutique studio at 57 Camoghè Street, 6593 Cadenazzo.
For more information about the person, here is the link:
My Philos is pleased to offer the new MaderoxX Reflexotherapy method to its clientele.
My Philos' studio enforces all necessary hygienic provisions
Inquire here:
Ortho-Bionomy® and Reflexotherapy are methods of Complementary Therapies and can both be applied in a series of therapeutic sessions for the following health disorders:
- Rehabilitative support after any illness or accident (with Combined Physiotherapy);
- Pain of muscular (injury, surgery), joint (arthritis, arthrosis) origin;
- Chronic, neuralgic pain (Fibromyalgia, Trigeminal nerve, tendinitis, carpal tunnel);
- Neck pain, whiplash, migraine;
- Back pain due to lumbago, scoliosis, witch's stroke;
- Frequent respiratory tract infections such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis;
- Sleep disorders, general fatigue;
- Psychosomatic disorders, phantom pain, scar pain;
- Anxiety, panic attacks, burn out, stress tension;
- Visceral organ disorders (digestive disorders, bladder problems).
Here are the ethical principles of MyPhilos:
- Respect and autonomy of the person
- Maximum attention to the client
- Respect for the intimate sphere of the person
- Treatments are complementary to medical ones
- Collaboration with scientific medicine is fundamental and strictly necessary
- Ongoing therapies must follow an ongoing course
- No diagnosis, no prescription
- All information gathered during interviews, is covered by patient confidentiality
- Professional knowledge recognized through certificates and field experience
- Regular professional updates
- MyPhilos' activities are subject to the supervision of cantonal health authorities and respective practice permits.
Costs and health insurance reimbursements: