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Ostéopathie du Soleil (La Chaux-de-Fonds)

0 Reviews

About Us

The osteopath treats the patient as a whole, which is why our field of action is broad and can treat many functional disorders. At the same time art, science and philosophy osteopathy is a holistic natural medicine in itself, in the sense that it does not focus only on the symptom or disease, but considers the individual as a whole.

A specific diagnosis makes it possible to identify the causes of the various imbalances.

Manual techniques on all tissues of the body are used to awaken, balance and facilitate the natural responses of self-regulation and self-healing.

It allows the restoration and maintenance of health, as well as the prevention of diseases.

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Parietal osteopathy
Visceral osteopathy
Craniosacral therapy
Atlas therapy
Sports osteopathy
Osteopathy for pregnant women
Osteopathy for children
Osteopathy for babies


Train/Bus sta­tion near­by


Price per hour from CHF 130.-



Location and contact

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Ostéopathie du Soleil

  • office address office address

    Rue de la Balance 7 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds

  • Jean-Daniel Treyvaud

  • Phone Phone
    0787... Show number 078 740 34 96 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Ostéopathie du Soleil

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Mon - Wed
07:00 - 19:00 opening hours
07:00 - 19:00 opening hours
Sat - Sun
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