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Osteopathie Luzern Inge Reber-Schoenmacker D.O: (Luzern)

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About Us

INGE SCHOENMACKER OSTEOPATH D.O. "With thinking fingers" W.G. Sutherland

Born in Oostzaan in the Netherlands in 1963, I was interested in the human being with all its fascinations from a very early age. Due to my never decreasing thirst for knowledge about man, mind and soul, the choice of a medical specialty was obvious. I decided to study physiotherapy at the Deventer Academy of Physiotherapy in the Netherlands. After completing this, I emigrated to Switzerland. I successfully managed a larger team of physiotherapists and medical masseurs in Andeer (GR). Subsequently I opened several practices in Andeer, Splügen, Fribourg and finally in Lucerne. Partly in association with medical specialists.

In the meantime, I continued my education in all kinds of specialties in search of connections between body, mind and soul. However, I missed the holistic view of the human being, as well as connections and interactions. I also missed a causal rather than symptomatic approach to treatments. I finally found these missing approaches in the science of osteopathy, which I learned in a part-time five-year course of study.

Today my heart beats completely for osteopathy. Especially for the biodynamic osteopathy, as Dr. Still D.O. and Dr. Sutherland D.O. once explored it and which Dr. James Jealous developed further. Their statement: "Anyone can find illness, but to find health is the art of the osteopath, this is the breath of life" thus also corresponds to my philosophy.

"Osteopathy is an opportunity to serve the suffering persons in this world through the very humble, humbling experience whereby one comes to know the "extent or magnitude of the heavens", as Dr. Still paraphrases. "As you grow in this work, everything will slowly change until The Truth awakens the desire to serve without any purpose or goal."

Most health insurance companies reimburse osteopathic treatments without a doctor's referral under supplemental insurance plans for complementary and alternative medicine. The extent of reimbursement depends on your insurance policy. Please find out in advance to what extent your insurance company will contribute to the treatment costs.

How to find us On foot 5 minutes from the train station

By bus 5 bus lines with stops in front of the Löwencenter (1, 9, 19, 22, 23).

By car Parking is available directly in the building (fee required)

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Parietal osteopathy
Visceral osteopathy
Osteopathy for pregnant women
Osteopathy for children
Osteopathy for babies


Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance
Train/Bus sta­tion near­by



Location and contact

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Osteopathie Luzern Inge Reber-Schoenmacker D.O:

  • office address office address

    Zürichstrasse 9 6004 Luzern

  • Inge Reber-Schoenmacker

  • Phone Phone
    0414... Show number 041 410 07 07 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Osteopathie Luzern Inge Reber-Schoenmacker D.O:

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