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Praxis Arthur Roscha (Aarau)

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About Us


This ostheopathic form of therapy is based on the palpation of the cranial wave: a subtle pulsation of the body. Like the ebb and flow of the tide, our body subtly expands and contracts. This wave has been shown to be an intelligent expression of body, mind and spirit, reflecting health, vitality and well-being. Through accident, shock, illness, birth consequences and stress, this free pulsation can be impaired or even come to a halt in places. With gentle touch, blockages are sensed, released and the cranial wave is brought back into balance. The self-regulating and healing powers of the body are activated in a supportive way.

Treatment is usually done on a couch, depending on the possibility in the supine, lateral or prone position. The touches and grips involve the whole body. Clothing is kept on, it is recommended to wear loose, non-restrictive clothing (no tight jeans). One session usually lasts 60 - 90 min.

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Craniosacral therapy


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Price per hour from CHF 132.-

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Praxis Arthur Roscha

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    Ziegelrain 17 5000 Aarau

  • Arthur Roscha

  • Phone Phone
    0764... Show mobile number 076 447 12 40
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Praxis Arthur Roscha

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