In general, osteopathy is a holistic manual treatment method for the examination and treatment of functional disorders. The focus here is not on the symptoms, but on the underlying causes.
Influences from outside and inside constantly affect us and our organism is constantly busy reacting to them. It can absorb or defend against influences for its own benefit. If it does not defend itself, the influence can affect the function of a structure. Dysfunctions occur, usually at the beginning of a disease. For example, blocked thoracic vertebrae can cause heart problems or impaired kidney function, and cysts on the ovary can cause sciatica.
An osteopath identifies dysfunction by looking at the altered movements in the tissues. The axes of movement of individual structures, the amount or quality of movement, and the quality of the tissue may have changed. Osteopathy uses impulses to rebalance the structural and functional body systems to dynamize the body's self-regulation.