It is difficult to draw up an exhaustive list of the pathologies treated by an osteopath, since the organization of osteopathic lesions can lead to extremely different degrees of pain or impairment of function!
Osteopathy is suitable for all age groups.
Treatment is adapted to each individual's age and state of health, and there are specific indications.
Here are a few examples by system:
Musculoskeletal system :
- sprains and sprain sequelae
- lumbago (lower back pain), dorsalgia (back pain), cervicalgia (neck pain)
- sciatica, sciatica, brachialgia (arm pain) cervicobrachial neuralgia (neck and arm pain)
- trauma sequelae: fractures and dislocations, sprains
joint pain
Visceral system :
- hiatal hernias
- gastritis
- constipation
- functional colopathies
- recurrent urinary tract infections
- certain gynecological pathologies: dysmenorrhea pain during menstruation (or periods) pain during intercourse, hypofertility
- certain prostate pathologies
Cranial system :
- ENT pathologies: rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis
- headaches and migraines
- trigeminal nerve neuralgia
- jaw problems
- orthodontic treatment follow-up
In addition to the usual non-specific indications, which can be adapted to each individual, here are a few cases of particular indications for osteopathy:
In infants and young children, plagiocephaly (deformation of the cranial cavity), nose, throat and ear disorders, and certain digestive pathologies such as regurgitation are among the indications for osteopathic treatment.
Pregnant women find osteopathic solutions to pregnancy-related ailments such as low back pain, sciatica and nausea, as well as preparation of the pelvis for childbirth and post-partum assessment and treatment.
Sportspeople are also keen to use osteopathic treatment to optimize recovery from injury, or more simply, to optimize their performance.