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Professional background since 07.2011 Osteopath and management Osteopathie plus GmbH 2007 - 2011 Self-employed osteopath with own practice in Murten 02.2003 - 11.2006 Osteopathic assistant in Freiburg i.Ü. with focus on pediatric osteopathy; assistant time in Zurich and Paris Training 06.2011 Diploma Osteopath GDK/CDS 02.2003 - 11.2006 Osteopathic assistant in Freiburg i.Ü. and additional training in pediatric osteopathy in Zurich 09.1997- 12.09.2003 Studies at the École Suisse d'Osteopathie, Lausanne, full-time studies. Diploma Osteopath D.O. 1996 Matura Gymnasium Biel, Type C Additional training 11.2009 Introductory course in homeopathy 05.2009 Microkinesitherapy course, Agnes Schitter 06 - 08.2007 Infant Handling and Kinesthetics, Goivanna Caflisch 02.2006 Lu Jong, mouvements anciens des moins tibétains pour soigner le corps et l'esprit, Juliane Torrent Continuing education 2013 Advanced seminars with Kilian Dräger Dr med and Osteopath from Germany and Lyz Hayden, Osteopath DO MSCC/UK International Osteopathy Symposium in Lausanne CHUV with the title: " Sleep disorders: from the newborn to the adult - medical and osteopathic approaches". Approche ostéopathique des plagiocéphalies, Caroline Penn DO MSCCC (GB), Nicholas Handoll DO MSCC (GB) Développement du cerveau, Patrick Van den Heede, Ostéopathe DO MROB 2012 Advanced seminars with Tajinder K.Deoora, Msc DO (UK) and Kok Weng Lim, Osteopath Msc D.O. (UK), pediatric osteopaths at the Childrens Center for Osteopathy in London International Osteopathy Symposium Lausanne UNIL with the title: "Osteopathy from newborn to schoolchild". 2010 Brain, parenchyma, nuclei and fluid, Chickly Bruno, Dr Med, Osteopath, Chicago USA 2009 Développement du cerveau différentes phases morphogénétiques et morphodynamiques et leur importance en ostéopathie, Patrick Van den Heede, Ostéopathe DO MRO 2008 Osteopathie et pédiatrie du premier âge, Irène Bringuier; Osteopath DO MROF 2006 Approch ostéopathique du méchanisme embryonaire, une aide et une guidance dans le traitement de la ligne médiane, Patrick Van den Heede, Ostéopathe DO MROB 2004 Stage intensive niveau 4 pédiatrique: Diagnsotic et traitement des troubles neurologiques de l'enfant, Viola Frymann D.O., FA.A.O, FCA USA, Peter Springall PhD (USA), Claude Valenti O.D. (USA) Séminaire d' embryologie biodynamique I, Marc Damoiseau, Ostéopath DO MROB 2003 Advanced pediatric osteopathy, Patrick Van den Heede, Ostéopathe DO MROB
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Wyssbrod Cornelia Osteopathin Dipl. GDK/CDS
Erlachstrasse 3 3280 Murten
Cornelia Wyssbrod
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Wyssbrod Cornelia Osteopathin Dipl. GDK/CDS