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FAQs for companies

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions from our users.

About Osteopathy-Comparison

How does Osteopathy-Comparison work?
Why is a listing on Osteopathy-Comparison worthwhile?
Who runs Osteopathy-Comparison?
Why do I have to register with my company?
Why is my company already displayed in the search?
FAQ Help Center

Create and manage listing

How do I create a free listing?
How can I place the listing in my locations?
Uploading images - everything you need to know
How do I report an image with inappropriate content?
How do I add another listing?
How can I delete my listing?
How often ist my listing found?

Ranking points

What are ranking points?
How do I buy ranking points?
What is a maximum bid?

Become successful

How can I be found better with my company?
How can I improve my listing?
How can I receive appointment or price requests?


Where do I see my customer reviews?
How can I delete reviews?
What are the review guidelines on Osteopathy-Comparison?
Can I deactivate the rating function?
Where can I find the rating badge for my listing?
Where can I find the QR code for my listing?


How can I pay?
How do I change my billing address?

Contact details

How can I change my details?
How can I delete my account?
How can I add contact details?

Any questions?

We're happy to help.

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