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Craniosacral Therapie – Elementar Pantomime Lukas Dreyfus (Biel/Bienne)

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About Us

Our personal history - everything we have experienced in the course of our lives - is stored in the cells of our body. These experiences remain largely unconscious and have a certain effect on the organism. Unprocessed negative experiences manifest themselves sooner or later in the form of physical or psychological complaints, such as tension, pain, inflammation, digestive problems, depression, aggression, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, relationship problems, etc.

In such situations my treatments help the organism to find a healthy balance again. Thus difficult experiences and unresolved issues can be processed and integrated. The special quality of such a therapy lies in the fact that the complaints are solved at their source. Each path to this goal is very individual and is therefore accompanied in an individual way. During and after my treatments, one can usually immediately feel how the organism starts to flow and a feeling of satisfaction spreads.

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Craniosacral therapy


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Craniosacral Therapie – Elementar Pantomime Lukas Dreyfus

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    Nordweg 4 2502 Biel/Bienne

  • Lukas Dreyfus

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    0788... Show mobile number 078 811 57 15
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Craniosacral Therapie – Elementar Pantomime Lukas Dreyfus

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