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Die Naturheilpraxis | René Ambauen (Luzern)

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About Us

Pain? Digestive problems? Joint problems? Severe cold? Stress symptoms? Depending on the nature of your complaints and depending on your needs, the naturopathic practice offers you the appropriate treatment method from Chinese medicine (TCM) or Western naturopathy:

Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Dietetics, Phytotherapy, Moxibustion, Cupping, Craniosacral Therapy, Energy Medicine.

René Ambauen has successfully passed in 2017 the recognition as a complementary therapist with industry certificate OdA KT for the methods Craniosacral Therapy and Shiatsu.

Craniosacral therapy is a subtle and intensive bodywork in the area of the skull (cranium), the spine and the sacrum. The therapist palpates the movements of the craniosacral system anywhere on the clothed body, checking for quality, symmetry, frequency and other criteria. Through gentle and targeted techniques, the organism can be stimulated and supported in its self-healing process.

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Craniosacral therapy


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Price per hour from CHF 140.-

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Die Naturheilpraxis | René Ambauen

  • office address office address

    Waldstätterstrasse 16 6003 Luzern

  • René Ambauen

  • Phone Phone
    0412... Show number 041 210 40 22
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Die Naturheilpraxis | René Ambauen

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