What is osteopathy:
Osteopathy is a holistic method that uses the hands for diagnosis and therapy. Movement restrictions of different tissues are detected and treated. The prerequisite for this is a precise knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology, as well as a sense of touch that has been trained over many years. Osteopathy is used to treat functional disorders of the various body systems.
Fields of application of osteopathy:
Since osteopathic examination covers all body structures such as bones, muscles, fascia, internal organs, nerves, etc., the range of treatable disorders is wide:
- functional problems of the musculoskeletal system; neck pain, back pain, tennis elbow, knee and hip problems, shoulder pain
- whiplash
- migraine, headache, dizziness
- jaw problems
- chronic sinusitis
- digestive problems
- menstrual problems
- incontinence
- after difficult births; writing babies, colics, swallowing disorders, torticollis