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Therapieraum ARKANA (St. Gallen)

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About Us

Osteopathy is a holistic manual treatment concept, which is designed to grasp people on different levels. All structures and functions of the body are inseparably connected. Body, mind and soul are one unit. For this reason, the whole is more than the sum of its parts. The body is naturally capable of keeping itself in balance. The goal of osteopathy is therefore to stimulate the self-healing powers through the best possible therapeutic measures. The symptoms are not combated in isolation, but the functional systems involved are influenced in such a way that they are able to rebalance themselves. Therefore it is quite reasonable to carry out a preventive osteopathic treatment before complaints are expressed. All bodily functions depend on blood (venous and arterial), lymphatic fluid and nerve signals being able to flow freely, so that optimal nourishment of the tissues is guaranteed. A great principle in osteopathy is that it stimulates vitality and self-regulation.

Osteopathy was developed by the American physician Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917). In 1892 he founded the first school of osteopathy. Dr. Still assumed that all body structures, especially the spine, are connected to the internal organs and the nervous system.

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Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance
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Price per hour from CHF 120.-



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Therapieraum ARKANA

  • office address office address

    Rosenbergstrasse 12A 9000 St. Gallen

  • Samuel Smits

  • Phone Phone
    0715... Show number 071 571 36 50 *
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  • * No listing required


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