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Praxis für Osteopathie (Richterswil)

Praxis für Osteopathie has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
3 Reviews

About Us

Osteopathy is suitable for every age group, because it is not about symptom treatment, but about the functional change of the different systems.

Below are only a few complaints for which osteopathic treatment is indicated.

Musculoskeletal complaints : back or neck tension and pain, hip/knee or shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, joint sprains, intercostal pain, lumbago, neuralgia, muscle injuries, muscle spasms, tendonitis, whiplash injuries.

digestive system dysfunction : dysphagia, stomach pain, heartburn, digestive disorders e.g. constipation, functional bowel disease, nausea, flatulence

Functional disorders in the urological and gynecological area : menstrual cramps, repeated urinary tract infections, pelvic floor pain, pregnancy discomfort, hormonal fluctuations, incontinence

Functional disorders of the neurovegetative system

Functional disorders of the jaw/head and ENT area : prophylaxis of repeated sinus or middle ear infections, bronchitis; vertigo, bruxism, temporomandibular joint problems Respiratory problems: Diaphragmatic hypertension, headaches, tinnitus.

Susanne Marx D.O.

Further education in the field of the fascial system ( Guido Meert D.O.) Osteopathy and craniomandibular dysfunctions (TMJ), (Philip Van Caille B.Sc.(hons.) Osteopathic Medicin Osteopathic Approaches of the Jaw "Oral" (Henry Klessen D.O.M.R.O.) Trigger Point Therapy and Visceral Treatment (Eric Hebgen D.O.) Osteopathic Techniques and Treatment Strategies (Vincent Benedetto D.O.) Basic Seminar Kinesiology for Osteopaths (Sabine Wittig-Lehr Osteopath D.Sc. O.) Body symptoms&Personality structure in the Enneagram (Dirk Leinweber HP, Ilse Studzinski HP&Osteopathin) The Thorax from an Osteopathic Perspective (Jean-Pierr Lehr HP& Osteopath D.O.) How to manipulate Patients (Pereira Lucia PGDO BSc Hons East DO) Key dysfunction- diagnostic guide for pain patients (Angelika Strunk HP& Osteopath Eur.Ost.DO/B )

Cost absorption

You do not need a doctor's prescription for osteopathic treatment. Due to the recognized therapy method, most health insurances reimburse a large portion of the treatment costs within the framework of their supplementary insurances for complementary medicine.

For your own safety, you should consult with your health insurance regarding coverage for alternative/complementary medicine.

Registrations with health insurance companies: EMR (ErfahrungsMedizinisches Register) EGK (Swiss Federal Health Insurance Fund) ASCA (Swiss Foundation for Complementary Medicine)

This text has been machine translated.


Parietal osteopathy
Visceral osteopathy
Craniosacral therapy
Osteopathy for pregnant women


Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance
Train/Bus sta­tion near­by



Location and contact

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Praxis für Osteopathie

  • office address office address

    Gartenstrasse 5 8805 Richterswil

  • Susanne Marx

  • Phone Phone
    0762... Show mobile number 076 202 01 20 *
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  • * No listing required


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Praxis für Osteopathie has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Data from June 2019

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Praxis für Osteopathie

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