The first session begins with a detailed report based on finding the causes of dysfunction. Tissues with restricted mobility and increased tension are identified. Whenever possible, the osteopath always works in an interdisciplinary manner with physicians and other therapists. A treatment usually lasts an hour, but may be shorter for children and babies.
The aim of osteopathic treatments is to restore the individual balance in the body = homeostasis.
If it is a functional problem that does not need further medical clarification, the osteopath uses his osteopathic techniques to remove blockages and disturbances in the organism. After two to four treatments, you should notice an improvement in symptoms.
Treatment is given in the following three main areas:
- System:
Musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, muscles, tendons, etc.).
Osteopathy: This area of therapy is similar to manual therapy and aims to correct and mobilize joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.
- System:
Internal organs with their blood and lymphatic vessels and the corresponding parts of the nervous system.
Osteopathy: the mobility of each organ in relation to its anatomical environment and the intrinsic rhythm of the organ itself are treated.
- -Sacral System:
Skull = cranium, spine and sacrum = sacrum, cerebrospinal fluid, meninges, and the nervous system and its functions.
Craniosacral Osteopathy: The cranial bones, cranial sutures, meninges, cerebrospinal fluid and nervous system are treated with gentle techniques.