Complementary therapist with federal diploma for
Shiatsu & Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy, Shiatsu, Complementary Therapist with federal diploma Method Craniosacral Therapy, Complementary Therapist with federal diploma Method Shiatsu
Appointments by arrangement
I am an active member of the Shiatsu Gesellschaft Schweiz (SGS) as well as of Cranio Suisse ® and registered with all health insurances, i.e. ASCA, EMR, EGK and Visana.
Membership of Cranio Suisse ® requires a significantly higher quality level than recognition by most health insurance companies!
If you have a supplementary insurance for complementary therapies, you should be reimbursed for a certain portion of the treatment costs.
If you are unsure, please check with your health insurance company beforehand.