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THERAPRAX - Praxis für Physiotherapie und Osteopathie (Herzogenbuchsee)

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About Us


Physiotherapy is a medical discipline that specializes in treating people with a physical impairment. It promotes pain reduction and recovery of body structures and focuses on muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, bones.

The costs are covered by the compulsory health insurance. This requires a prescription from a doctor or chiropractor.


Osteopathy is a health profession whose treatment methods are based on manual techniques and have both preventive and curative effects.

Osteopathy is based on the concept that the organism is a whole and health depends on the functional balance of all structures that make up the human body.

It therefore includes all diagnostic procedures and therapeutic manipulations aimed at detecting, correcting and preventing osteopathic lesions, that is, changes in the state of the (anatomical) structure that are reversible when appropriate treatment is applied.

Osteopaths apply a manual approach to the treatment of functional disorders or somatic complaints, combining the study of symptoms and clinical picture as well as the osteopath's own assessment in a holistic way.

The goal of osteopathic treatment is not only achieved through manipulations or alignment of the musculoskeletal system, which are based on a precise knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics and require precise, clear hand movements.

Equally important is the relational dimension, that is, the ability to listen to patients and to include their habits and general condition.

The costs are covered by supplementary insurance. This usually does not require a prescription from a doctor or a chiropractor. However, it is important to contact the respective supplementary insurance company before an initial consultation and to find out whether the costs will be covered.

Treatment methods - Below you will find an overview of our competencies.

  • Manual therapy
  • sports physiotherapy
  • osteopathy
  • Medical Training Therapy (MTT)
  • Dry needling therapy
  • Craniomandibular treatments (treatment on and around the temporomandibular joint)
  • Mobilization of the nervous system
  • Rehabilitation after injuries / operations
  • respiratory therapy
  • scar therapy
  • Taping (Kinesio / classical)
  • SCENAR therapy
  • Manual lymphatic drainage / compression therapy
  • Ultrasound / electrotherapy
  • Treatments for acute / chronic pain conditions
  • Medical massage
  • segmental massage
  • Connective tissue massage
  • Foot reflexology
  • Preventive consultation

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Location and contact

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THERAPRAX - Praxis für Physiotherapie und Osteopathie

  • office address office address

    Wangenstrasse 10 3360 Herzogenbuchsee

  • Phone Phone
    0629... Show number 062 961 19 80 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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THERAPRAX - Praxis für Physiotherapie und Osteopathie

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