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Alternatives Gesundheitszentrum - Praxis René Grunder (Grenchen)

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About Us

It is important for me to pick up the client where he stands and that he is an active part of the therapy. In this way, personal responsibility remains with the client and the personal process is experienced more consciously. For this purpose, I have various therapeutic methods at my disposal:

Craniosacral Therapy

This form of therapy, which originated in osteopathy, is very gentle in its approach. Focusing the touch on what is healthy and strengthening, without overlooking the complaints, the self-regulation abilities and self-healing powers in the body fluids (the human body consists of about 80% water) are activated and strengthened. This has a holistic effect on the nervous and immune system as well as the whole body structure (bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles). Experience shows that self-awareness becomes more pronounced and thus "signs" are recognized earlier by the body.

Conversation and active accompaniment

A resource-, solution- and goal-oriented way of leading conversations gives the professional encounter of people the coherent framework, depth and meaning. The idea of this form of conversation is the orientation towards the solution-oriented, the "feeling good". The problem is not suppressed or put in the focus, but the balance between stressful and positive moments is sought and thus changed. Often, known sources of strength (resources) such as pets, places in nature, partners or beautiful feelings must be found first. Once these positive feelings, images or colors are recognized, consciously felt and strengthened, they become important supports in life. Such resources are also strong and important companions in change processes to maintain balance.

I like to accompany people on the basis of their own perception and feelings. For example, individual inner images can have more meaning and significance than imagined. These images are viewed as neutrally as possible and constantly form new image situations, which can have a deep impact on the body system.

Systemic Constellation

This technique offers the possibility to bring undefined feelings, open questions, unclear family situations from the inside to the outside. The topics are represented with forms or symbols on the outside. When the constellation is viewed, questions can be clarified or insights gained.

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Craniosacral therapy


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Alternatives Gesundheitszentrum - Praxis René Grunder

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    Wissbächlistrasse 48 2540 Grenchen

  • René Grunder

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    0325... Show number 032 530 38 82
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