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BEWEGT SEIN Praxis für Osteopathie (Bubikon)

BEWEGT SEIN Praxis für Osteopathie has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
1 Reviews

About Us

Osteopathy Osteopathy is a holistic treatment philosophy that treats functional disorders of the human body and helps the body to regain its balance and activate its self-healing powers.

Osteopathy was developed in the middle of the last century by the American physician and surgeon Andrew Taylor Still (1828 - 1917). From America it spread to Europe in the middle of the 20th century. In our country it has been known for a long time in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Already at that time A.T. Still recognized the necessity of a holistic view based on the interaction of the different body systems and made it the starting point of his treatment. In this way he reacted to the lack of knowledge in classical medicine and to its tendency to treat mainly symptoms.

Osteopathy is a science based on anatomical and physiological knowledge, incorporating and implementing the latest scientific developments in its thought.

Osteopathic treatment is based on a detailed and specific questioning of the patient. The symptoms are put into a functional anatomical and physiological context. The goal of osteopathy is not to treat the symptom, but the cause. The techniques used for this purpose are performed only with the hands.

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Parietal osteopathy
Visceral osteopathy
Craniosacral therapy
Sports osteopathy
Osteopathy for pregnant women
Osteopathy for children
Osteopathy for babies
Osteopathy for animals


Home vis­its
Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance
Train/Bus sta­tion near­by


Price per hour from CHF 160.-



Location and contact

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BEWEGT SEIN Praxis für Osteopathie

  • office address office address

    Wihaldenstrasse 16B 8608 Bubikon

  • Jacqueline Labèr

  • Phone Phone
    0762... Show mobile number 076 223 38 31 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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BEWEGT SEIN Praxis für Osteopathie has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
1 Reviews

1 reviews from older local.ch. archives

Data from June 2019

BEWEGT SEIN Praxis für Osteopathie has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
Average: 5,0 of 5

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BEWEGT SEIN Praxis für Osteopathie

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