Fields of application/indications
Osteopathy is primarily helpful for functional complaints of all kinds. In the case of complaints with an organic origin, only support or alleviation is possible. Depending on the situation, a medical examination may be appropriate in order to exclude organic causes. In osteopathy there is no age limit, treatment is possible in infants as well as in old age.
The functional complaints do not always have to have a defined disease name, but can still be extremely debilitating for the person affected. Therefore, it would not be fair to describe osteopathy only in terms of diseases. However, some examples of typical complaints can be singled out, which respond well to osteopathy in many patients:
Complaints of the musculoskeletal system:
Sciatica, lumbago, herniated disc, whiplash, postoperative treatment, scoliosis, pelvic obliquity, sprain and other injuries.
Ear, nose and throat and orthodontics:
Headaches, migraines, hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus, sinus and middle ear infections, TMJ problems. Accompanying treatment during orthodontic treatments or tooth position corrections.
Cry babies, birth trauma (e.g. cranial or facial symmetry), scoliosis, hip dysplasia , three-month colic and other digestive disorders, learning and concentration disorders.
Internal medicine
Digestive disorders, heartburn, organ stenosis, surgical sequelae such as scars and adhesions, functional heart problems, etc.
Genitourinary area:
Menstrual cramps, pregnancy, childbirth preparation, etc.