Osteopathy practice Maane
for small to large, young and old
Fields of application
Adults with problems
In the back area: lumbago, low back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, shoulder and neck problems, muscular tension, posture disorders.
In the musculoskeletal system: joint problems, sprains, tendonitis, whiplash, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, knee pain, muscular tension and other injury sequelae.
In the cranial and ENT area: migraine, headache, earache, sinusitis, chronic otitis media, tinnitus, vertigo, trigeminal neuralgia, temporomandibular joint problems.
In the digestive system and internal medicine area: digestive disorders, functional intestinal disorders, hiatal hernias, heartburn, organ stenosis, after abdominal surgery for scar treatment, functional heart problems, kidney problems, prostate problems, bladder problems.
In the allergy field: hay fever, chronic bronchitis, asthmatic complaints, skin diseases.
A whole range of complaints of which one says "you just have to live with it".
Women with pregnancy complaints
Complaints with babies and children