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Maane Christian (Galgenen)

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About Us

Osteopathy practice Maane for small to large, young and old

Fields of application Adults with problems

In the back area: lumbago, low back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, shoulder and neck problems, muscular tension, posture disorders. In the musculoskeletal system: joint problems, sprains, tendonitis, whiplash, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, knee pain, muscular tension and other injury sequelae. In the cranial and ENT area: migraine, headache, earache, sinusitis, chronic otitis media, tinnitus, vertigo, trigeminal neuralgia, temporomandibular joint problems. In the digestive system and internal medicine area: digestive disorders, functional intestinal disorders, hiatal hernias, heartburn, organ stenosis, after abdominal surgery for scar treatment, functional heart problems, kidney problems, prostate problems, bladder problems. In the allergy field: hay fever, chronic bronchitis, asthmatic complaints, skin diseases. A whole range of complaints of which one says "you just have to live with it".

Women with pregnancy complaints

Complaints with babies and children

This text has been machine translated.


Parietal osteopathy
Visceral osteopathy
Atlas therapy
Osteopathy for pregnant women
Osteopathy for children
Osteopathy for babies


Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance



Location and contact

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Maane Christian

  • office address office address

    Fuchsweg 14 8854 Galgenen

  • Christian Maane

  • Phone Phone
    0554... Show number 055 440 78 57 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Maane Christian

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