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Manja Jansch-Muser | Praxisgemeinschaft Obfelden (Obfelden)

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About Us

Currently I work in my practice mainly with craniosacral therapy. However, my work is characterized by other ways and thus enriches my treatments in the background. All these other methods I have intensively learned, cultivated and applied over many years.

They are mainly dance/movement and rhythm, shamanic practice, meditation and energy work as well as working with nature, especially vision quest.

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Craniosacral therapy


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Manja Jansch-Muser | Praxisgemeinschaft Obfelden

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    Brunnenweg 8 8912 Obfelden

  • Manja Jansch-Muser

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    0566... Show number 056 634 27 05
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Manja Jansch-Muser | Praxisgemeinschaft Obfelden

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