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Meneghin - Pliska Maja (Laufen)

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About Us

Osteopathic examination and treatment of the horse with manual tissue techniques which have a positive effect on the joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia (musculoskeletal system), as well as on the nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, hormonal system and blood circulation. Thus, osteopathic treatment can be a targeted therapy for specific problems of the horse while riding or a useful support after injuries/accidents as well as for prevention/rehabilitation of sport and leisure horses and for general increase of performance and well-being. Even very stressed and behaviorally challenged horses benefit from osteopathic treatment. Basically osteopathy is a holistic concept which aims to support the body in its balance. As I am also a human osteopath and a trained physiotherapist, physical problems of the rider which can lead to imbalances of the horse can also be analyzed and included.

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Osteopathy for animals


Home vis­its


Price per hour from CHF 180.-



Location and contact

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Meneghin - Pliska Maja

  • office address office address

    BKW-Strasse 14 4242 Laufen

  • Maja Meneghin - Pliska

  • Phone Phone
    0798... Show mobile number 079 828 75 27 *
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Meneghin - Pliska Maja

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