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Naturheilpraxis Bottmingen (Bottmingen)

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About Us

Each person is unique, so the therapy is tailored to you individually. I am glad that you want to use the power of medicinal plants and the wide range of manual treatment methods for your health. In my alternative medicine practice I treat infants, children, adolescents and adults according to the principle of holism. In addition to integrative laboratory diagnostics, as a naturopath I use the knowledge of Traditional European Naturopathy TEN as well as the healing power of plants and apply the following manual treatment methods: Back and cupping massage, foot reflexology therapy as well as craniosacral therapy. Especially for newborns, cranio-treatment is a great support for their development. The very wide range of therapies enables me to set impulses on different levels to activate your self-healing powers and healthy regulatory mechanisms. Thanks to the cooperation with a specialized laboratory, metabolic disorders, imbalances in the mineral balance as well as food intolerances can be quickly clarified and treated. I look forward to accompanying and supporting you on your path to health. Helene Länzlinger Naturopath with federal diploma in Traditional European Naturopathy TEN (Cantonally certified naturopath BL) Craniosacral Therapist Cranio Suisse ® with specialization for babies and children Complementary therapist with branch certificate OdA KT

I am recognized by all health insurance companies (EMR, ASCA, EGK, Visana) - they will cover the treatment costs if you have a supplementary insurance for alternative medicine/complementary therapy. Please clarify in advance the cost sharing directly with your health insurance.

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Craniosacral therapy
Osteopathy for pregnant women
Osteopathy for children
Osteopathy for babies


Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance
Train/Bus sta­tion near­by

Location and contact

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Naturheilpraxis Bottmingen

  • office address office address

    Haselstrasse 6 4103 Bottmingen

  • Helene Länzlinger

  • Phone Phone
    0764... Show mobile number 076 447 65 75
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Naturheilpraxis Bottmingen

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