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Physio- und Handtherapie Obstgarten (Affoltern am Albis)

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About Us

Our areas of expertise include the following services:

  • manual therapy
  • Sports physiotherapy and exercise therapy
  • Pelvic floor rehabilitation
  • Bobath therapy
  • Functional movement therapy
  • Triggerpuntk treatment
  • compression therapy
  • Soft tissue treatments/ fascia techniques
  • Electrotherapy/ shock wave therapy
  • Heat and cold therapy
  • Kinesiotaping/ dry needling
  • osteopathic techniques

In all areas we have the greatest expertise and many years of experience.

For more information visit our website: www.physio-obstgarten.ch

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call (044 760 34 34, every morning from 8:00-12:00h) or write an email: info@physio-obstgarten.ch.

  • Portuguese

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Location and contact

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Physio- und Handtherapie Obstgarten

  • office address office address

    Obstgartenstrasse 5 8910 Affoltern am Albis

  • Phone Phone
    0447... Show number 044 760 34 34
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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Physio- und Handtherapie Obstgarten

Now closed
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Mon - Tue
07:30 - 19:00 opening hours
07:30 - 21:00 opening hours
Thur - Fr
07:30 - 19:00 opening hours
07:30 - 15:00 opening hours
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