Osteopathy for children and babies
Solve blockades
For posture and digestive disorders
positional and cranial asymmetries, scoliosis, torticollis, hip dysplasia
colics, increased spitting, constipation
Respiratory diseases
Chronic otitis media, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma
For behavioral and learning disorders
Motor restlessness, concentration disorders
Disturbances in gross and fine motor skills
Nervous" child with tendency to emotional outbursts
Sensitive reactions to unfamiliar situations
Activate the body's self-healing powers
Bring movements into flow
Your body is constantly in motion. External and internal influences such as stress, injury or inflammation can disrupt your movements. Our job is to identify the disruptions and help your body get all your movements back into proper flow.
Identify and release blockages
Diagnosis and therapy are done with specific techniques performed with the hands. During treatment, we use touch and feel to detect blockages and movement restrictions in the body and try to resolve them.