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About Us

What is medical osteopathy? The training to become an osteopathic physician (DO = Doctor of Osteopatic Medicine), which exists in the USA, is oriented towards scientific medicine. Here in Europe it is a non-university education (DO = Diploma of Osteopathy). The osteopathic physician diagnoses and treats patients based on his basic medical training, his medical specialization and his osteopathic specialization.

What is osteopathy? Reduced to the most elementary level, the osteopath looks at the connective tissue, a supporting structure next to the bony skeleton, which is interwoven with a dense network of nerves. By a mechanical treatment of the changed connective tissue an activation of nerves can be achieved and thus the whole system with musculature and position bones to each other can be readjusted. Another goal is to loosen entire chains of connections. Thus, disorders of the musculoskeletal system can have an influence on internal organs and vice versa. A treatment of one problem can at the same time be a solution for the other. Personally, I did my training at the German American Academy of Osteopathy, whose training standards are set by the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) - also the birth cradle of osteopathy.

Techniques Offered: Craniosacral techniques Visceral techniques Muscle energy techniques Myofascial techniques Technique according to Still Lymphatic Techniques LAS Technique HVLA Technique

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Parietal osteopathy
Visceral osteopathy
Osteopathy for children


Cred­it card pay­ment pos­si­ble
Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance
Train/Bus sta­tion near­by


Price per hour from CHF 250.-



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Tilmann Saile

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    Churerstrasse 43 8808 Pfäffikon SZ

  • Dr.Med t. Saile

  • Phone Phone
    0552... Show number 055 210 68 40 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
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  • * No listing required


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