Osteopaths in Luzern - Compare 38 osteopathic clinics
Cate Spinnler
LuzernBruchstrasse 10, 6003 Luzern0 Reviews076 390 01 09 0763... Show mobile number 076 390 01 09 076 390 01 09From CHF 150.- per hourParietal osteopathyCraniosacral therapyVisceral osteopathyOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babiesCraniosacral Therapie Sina Marthy GmbH
LuzernHirschmattstrasse 29, 6003 Luzern0 ReviewsOpen now078 255 99 47 0782... Show mobile number 078 255 99 47 078 255 99 47From CHF 132.- per hourOpen nowCraniosacral therapyPraxis Sandolei
LuzernSt. Karli-Strasse 18, 6004 Luzern0 ReviewsOpen now079 830 46 41 0798... Show mobile number 079 830 46 41 079 830 46 41 *From CHF 150.- per hourOpen nowCraniosacral therapyCraniosacral therapy for babiesCraniosacral therapy for pregnant womenGesundheitspraxis Zentral
EbikonZentralstrasse 6, 6030 Ebikon0 ReviewsOpen now079 545 82 60 0795... Show mobile number 079 545 82 60 079 545 82 60From CHF 150.- per hourOpen nowCraniosacral therapyTrauma therapy and energy workSwiss certified complementary therapistDie Naturheilpraxis | René Ambauen
LuzernWaldstätterstrasse 16, 6003 Luzern0 ReviewsOpen now041 210 40 22 0412... Show number 041 210 40 22 041 210 40 22From CHF 140.- per hourOpen nowCraniosacral therapyCranioSacral Therapie
LuzernKasimir-Pfyffer-Strasse 8, 6003 Luzern0 Reviews076 493 08 99 0764... Show mobile number 076 493 08 99 076 493 08 99From CHF 132.- per hourCraniosacral therapyPraxis für Craniosacral-Therapie und ressourcenorientierte Beratung
LuzernGeissmattstrasse 57, 6004 LuzernPraxis für Craniosacral-Therapie und ressourcenorientierte Beratung has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 Reviews041 440 35 41 0414... Show number 041 440 35 41 041 440 35 41Craniosacral therapyHaas Josef
LuzernMorgartenstrasse 2, 6003 LuzernHaas Josef has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 Reviews041 410 23 33 0414... Show number 041 410 23 33 041 410 23 33Parietal osteopathyPfoster Margrith
LuzernWaldstätterstrasse 31, 6003 Luzern0 Reviews041 210 51 54 0412... Show number 041 210 51 54 041 210 51 54From CHF 130.- per hourCraniosacral therapyPraxis für Craniosacral Therapie
BuchrainUnterdorfweg 2, 6033 Buchrain0 Reviews079 734 44 45 0797... Show mobile number 079 734 44 45 079 734 44 45From CHF 132.- per hourCraniosacral therapy
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