Osteopaths in Genève - Compare 84 osteopathic clinics
Oneyser Philippe
Paid rankingGenèveRue Chaponnière 7, 1201 Genève0 ReviewsOpen now022 731 41 00 0227... Show number 022 731 41 00 022 731 41 00 *Open nowParietal osteopathyVisceral osteopathySports osteopathyOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babiesCabinet d'Ostéopathie Genève Centre
Paid rankingGenèveRue de la Rôtisserie 8, 1204 GenèveCabinet d'Ostéopathie Genève Centre has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 Reviews079 749 11 55 0797... Show number 079 749 11 55 079 749 11 55 *Parietal osteopathyVisceral osteopathyCraniosacral therapyAtlas therapySports osteopathyOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babiesTorticollis, back pain, lumbagoEmergencies and osteopathic follow-upBook an appointment onlineSpinal, visceral and cranial osteopathyReimbursement by supplementary insurancePermanence Ostéopathique de Genève SA
GenèveAvenue des Grottes 67, 1201 GenèvePermanence Ostéopathique de Genève SA has been rated 5 out of 5 stars52 ReviewsOpen now022 510 50 95 0225... Show number 022 510 50 95 022 510 50 95From CHF 110.- per hourOpen nowParietal osteopathyVisceral osteopathyCraniosacral therapySports osteopathyOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babiesEulalie Simon Ostéopathe dipl. CDS | Ostéopathie à Carouge
CarougeRue Jacques-Grosselin 8, 1227 CarougeEulalie Simon Ostéopathe dipl. CDS | Ostéopathie à Carouge has been rated 4 out of 5 stars44 ReviewsOpen now076 381 95 13 0763... Show mobile number 076 381 95 13 076 381 95 13 *From CHF 120.- per hourOpen nowParietal osteopathyVisceral osteopathyCraniosacral therapySports osteopathyOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babiesosteopathVatin François
GenèveRue Marignac 9, 1206 GenèveVatin François has been rated 5 out of 5 stars52 ReviewsOpen now022 552 30 30 0225... Show number 022 552 30 30 022 552 30 30From CHF 130.- per hourOpen nowVisceral osteopathyCraniosacral therapySports osteopathyOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babiesUrgences Ostéopathie Genève Pierre THIRY
GenèveRue Saint-Laurent 6, 1207 GenèveUrgences Ostéopathie Genève Pierre THIRY has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 ReviewsOpen now022 700 43 40 0227... Show number 022 700 43 40 022 700 43 40 *From CHF 120.- per hourOpen nowParietal osteopathyVisceral osteopathyCraniosacral therapyOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babiesOstéopathie Lachat Doniphane - RING DINGER® TECHNIQUE - Centre Suisse & Européen de décompression neuro-vertébrale manuelle
Neyruz FRImpasse de la Charrière 4, 1740 Neyruz FROstéopathie Lachat Doniphane - RING DINGER® TECHNIQUE - Centre Suisse & Européen de décompression neuro-vertébrale manuelle has been rated 4.9 out of 5 stars4.94 ReviewsOpen now026 470 00 47 0264... Show number 026 470 00 47 026 470 00 47 *Open nowRING DINGER® TECHNIQUE - manual neuro-vertebral decompressionVisceral osteopathySports osteopathyOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for babiesOsteopathy for childrenOstéopathie La Colline Champel
GenèveRue Marignac 9, 1206 GenèveOstéopathie La Colline Champel has been rated 4.9 out of 5 stars4.918 ReviewsOpen now022 552 30 30 0225... Show number 022 552 30 30 022 552 30 30 *From CHF 130.- per hourOpen nowVisceral osteopathyCraniosacral therapySports osteopathyOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babiesJaques Christian
GenèveBoulevard Georges-Favon 16, 1204 GenèveJaques Christian has been rated 4.3 out of 5 stars4.31 ReviewsOpen now022 320 25 13 0223... Show number 022 320 25 13 022 320 25 13 *From CHF 120.- per hourOpen nowParietal osteopathyVisceral osteopathyAtlas therapyCabinet d'Ostéopathie Dominique Vergnaud
GenèveRue du Mont-Blanc 21, 1201 Genève0 ReviewsOpen now022 510 50 50 0225... Show number 022 510 50 50 022 510 50 50Open nowParietal osteopathyVisceral osteopathyOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babies
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