Most supplementary insurances cover the costs of osteopathic treatment. Please check with your insurance company.
Osteopathy is .... the art of using one's hands to activate a therapeutic process guided by the patient's health.
The focus of my therapy evolves with me. In general medicine, my focus is on anthroposophic medicine. In osteopathy, my focus is on Craniosacral Therapy and Biodynamic Cranial Osteopathy.
Another focus is on Goethean medicine according to José Martinez, who gave me the connection between osteopathy and anthroposophic medicine.
There are basic principles that every osteopath knows and applies:
- There is an interaction between structure and function. A healthy function performs all the functions for which it was designed. Both have movement in common. The structure corresponds to the fixed movement, the function to the energy of the movement.
- The osteopath believes in the self-healing powers of the body. If the body does not manage to restore a balance by itself, the osteopath is there to initiate self-healing.
- The body is a unit. If a person falls ill in one organ or body part, it affects the whole person. The same applies to the treatment of a person.
- Blood circulation is the most important thing. Also called the law of the artery. It is about the flow, the current in osteopathy, the freedom of movement and rhythm. Besides the blood as the "lifeblood", it is about all the fluids and secretions in the body, the neurotransmitters and the mind.
- The human being, not his disease, is the focus of the osteopath's attention.
In addition, osteopathy distinguishes between three sub-areas, which influence each other and are never considered in isolation during treatment:
- Parietal osteopathy: the system of parietal osteopathy includes the entire musculoskeletal system with bones, ligaments, joints, muscles and fasciae
- Visceral osteopathy: The system of visceral osteopathy includes the internal organs, blood vessels, lymphatic channels and the associated connective tissue.
- Craniosacral Osteopathy: The system of craniosacral osteopathy includes the central nervous system and its surrounding structures: the membranous membranes, the skull, the spine and the pelvis.