Using precise grips and techniques, the various tissues are examined for position, tension, mobility or extensibility. Joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments are examined, as well as the associated supply structures such as blood vessels and nerve courses. The internal organs can also be palpated and can cause pain on the surface of the body in the event of pressure, congestion or tension. The location of the pain is not always the location of the cause. The goal is always to find the cause of the discomfort and treat it with the appropriate technique. In this way, freer movement and normal tension of the restricted structure is achieved.
Treat with hand and head: With the hands, dysfunctions and restrictions are felt and treated. Because besides the head, good hands are needed. After the osteopath has listened attentively and has traced the connections of the problem, the body structures must be carefully and specifically palpated and tested with the hands.
Treating people - not diagnoses: In order for the whole system to function, it is necessary to treat the crucial points at the beginning of the causal chain. This means that in osteopathy we do not treat diagnoses according to a pattern, but people with their very individual problems. The diagnosis is mostly a description of the symptoms, it can mean very different things.
Treatment concept:
- System: musculoskeletal system with joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, fascia, bones, blood vessels and connective tissue, spine and pelvis.
- System: Internal organs in the abdominal, thoracic and pelvic regions with sheaths and supply structures
- Craniosacral system: cranial bones, cranial sutures, sacrum, meninges, cerebrospinal fluid, spinal cord and nerves