The osteopath treats all functional disorders of the body. This includes
- the musculoskeletal system
- the internal organs
- the craniosacral system
For an adequate therapy in the osteopathic sense, anamnesis (questioning of the patient), the inspection of the patient as well as the functional findings in the run-up to the treatment are essential.
- Individual treatment
- Prevention
Problems in the musculoskeletal system:
- Degenerative and injury-related functional disorders of the spine and extremities, acceleration traumas.
- Acute: herniated discs, inflammations, sciatica, sports accidents, etc.
- Chronic: migraine, headache, back pain, shoulder pain, scoliosis and various rheumatic complaints
Ear, nose and throat and dental/orthodontic area:
- Dizziness, tinnitus, swallowing problems, hoarseness, chronic sinus and middle ear infections
- temporomandibular joint problems
Birth trauma (forceps delivery, suction cup, cesarean section)
Sleep and eating disorders
Three-month colic/digestive disorders
cranial and facial asymmetries, crossbite
Torticollis, foot deformities, hip dysplasia, scoliosis, postural deformity
The practice is located on the second floor
Parking available: In the surrounding parking garages
Distance from the train station: 5 minutes walk
Nearby: Vis-à-vis of the Theater Winterthur
Available: Yes
Wheelchair accessible: Yes