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Brocard Jean-Jacques (Sargans)

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About Us

Centrally located, networked in a group practice, diverse range of services, modern diagnostics, neural therapy and manual medicine including osteopathic. Deep infiltrations in the context of neural therapy or pain therapy are performed under imaging control (image intensifier TV and sonography).

In the heart of Sargans, our modern practice and our well-trained staff offer the possibility to carry out outpatient and efficient examinations and treatments in the fields of internal medicine, minor surgery and orthopedic rheumatology. In addition, we also offer gynecological check-ups and pregnancy care. Great importance is attached to the prevention of civilization diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, smoking, diabetes and obesity.

In the immediate vicinity, partly in Sargans itself, there are specialists who can perform a wide range of further examinations, such as colonoscopies, heart examinations and other more complex examinations.

Of course, we are also affiliated with a network of general practitioners, namely PizolCare AG. Our practice is part of the PizolCare group of practices. Many health insurances offer lower premiums when choosing a fixed network GP.

A well-functioning emergency service, in cooperation with the regional hospitals, in which we participate, guarantees competent medical assistance at night and on weekends.

We are also proud of our EQUAM certification, which is renewed every three years and guarantees compliance with quality standards in general medicine.

In the complementary / alternative medicine treatment sector, we perform osteopathic, manual medicine and neural therapy treatments and assessments. For quality assurance purposes, these certificates of competence must also be recertified at periodic intervals (every three to five years).

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Craniosacral therapy


Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance

Emergency Service

Emergency services provided



Location and contact

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Brocard Jean-Jacques

  • office address office address

    Bahnhofpark 2a 7320 Sargans

  • Jean-Jacques Brocard

  • Phone Phone
    0817... Show number 081 725 88 10 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Brocard Jean-Jacques

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