Osteopathy can be used for numerous functional disorders of the body, even if they have existed for a long time. There are also no age restrictions. Even infants and children who, for example, have functional disorders due to the great stress of the birth process can be treated osteopathically with very good results.
In particular, osteopathic treatments achieve very good results for the following complaints:
In adults
Chronic tension, dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system and the associated muscles and ligaments, slipped discs, lumbago, consequences of accidental injuries (e.g. whiplash), temporomandibular joint problems, digestive problems, incontinence, premenstrual complaints, migraine, ear, nose and throat problems, sciatica in pregnant women, etc.
For children
Sleep disorders, malocclusions (in support of dental procedures such as braces), strabismus, ear, nose and throat disorders, etc.
For infants
Three-month colic, sleep or swallowing disorders, torticollis, etc., which may occur due to birth trauma (also after forceps delivery, delivery with a suction cup or after cesarean section).