Compare 36 providers in Canton SO
Paid rankingOltenZiegelfeldstrasse 1, 4600 OltenINSPIRIT HUMAN GmbH has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 ReviewsOpen now062 558 62 88 0625... Show number 062 558 62 88 062 558 62 88From CHF 156.- per hourOpen nowCraniosacral therapySports osteopathyOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babiesMyophysio
BuchsIm Hag 11, 5033 BuchsMyophysio has been rated 5 out of 5 stars513 ReviewsOpen now076 667 88 57 0766... Show number 076 667 88 57 076 667 88 57 *From CHF 140.- per hourOpen nowCraniosacral therapyAtlas therapyfascia therapymanual lymphatic drainageConti Mathieu
SolothurnRötistrasse 22A, 4500 SolothurnConti Mathieu has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 ReviewsOpen now032 622 00 55 0326... Show number 032 622 00 55 032 622 00 55 *From CHF 168.- per hourOpen nowParietal osteopathyOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babiesGanzheitliche Gesundheitspraxis
BalsthalByfangweg 3, 4710 BalsthalGanzheitliche Gesundheitspraxis has been rated 5 out of 5 stars53 ReviewsOpen now076 367 49 11 0763... Show mobile number 076 367 49 11 076 367 49 11 *From CHF 125.- per hourOpen nowCraniosacral therapyCraniosacral Therapie Simone Schoch
Biel/BienneOberer Quai 12, 2502 Biel/Bienne0 ReviewsOpen now077 422 24 51 0774... Show mobile number 077 422 24 51 077 422 24 51From CHF 120.- per hourOpen nowCraniosacral therapyCraniosacraltherapie und Heilarbeit
BaselHardstrasse 126, 4052 Basel0 ReviewsOpen now077 488 79 23 0774... Show mobile number 077 488 79 23 077 488 79 23 *From CHF 135.- per hourOpen nowVisceral osteopathyCraniosacral therapyEidg. dipl. KomplementärTherapeutin HF Methoden: Craniosacral Therapie, Yoga-Therapie, Körperpsychotherapie
GünsbergFiechtlerstrasse 14, 4524 Günsberg0 Reviews032 637 03 71 0326... Show number 032 637 03 71 032 637 03 71Craniosacral therapyCranio-Arlesheim
ArlesheimAltenmatteweg 6, 4144 Arlesheim0 Reviews077 202 15 51 0772... Show mobile number 077 202 15 51 077 202 15 51From CHF 156.- per hourCraniosacral therapyOsteopathie Combé
TherwilTeichstrasse 83, 4106 TherwilOsteopathie Combé has been rated 4.9 out of 5 stars4.913 Reviews061 421 97 42 0614... Show number 061 421 97 42 061 421 97 42 *Osteopathy for all from 0-99yearsOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for pregnant womenOsteopathy for babiesVisceral osteopathyOsteopathy in the cranial areaParietal osteopathyNaturarztpraxis
SolothurnRitterquai 2, 4500 Solothurn0 ReviewsOpen now032 621 88 50 0326... Show number 032 621 88 50 032 621 88 50From CHF 160.- per hourOpen nowVisceral osteopathyCraniosacral therapyAtlas therapyOsteopathy for childrenOsteopathy for babies
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